Kronos Y2K Testing and Research

People make a big deal out of Y2K testing. You just set the date forward, and see if it still works. For example, on this laptop here: [pretend to be doing the operations] I just click on "Start", "Settings", "Control Panel", then I double-click on "Date/Time", and it comes up with the "Date & Time" tab selected. Now I just click the year up to "2000", and finally click the "OK" button….

[There's a "boing" sound, and the cover of the laptop drops off and dangles in front of the table.]

[Picks up printed circuit boards from the laptop.]

Hmm, maybe I should have upgraded the BIOS on this one. [Looking at one of the boards] Gee, here's the BIOS chip right here. Anyway, see? That was easy; we've tested it. It takes less time when it flunks right at the beginning.

We spare no expense in our year 2 K research. For accuracy, we go right to the source. For example, people say that the year 2000 is a leap year, but how can we really be sure? Well, remember, the original source, the "horse's mouth", so to speak, was Pope Gregory the thirteenth. So we wrote to the Vatican to get a copy of the original proclamation.

In fact, the reply just came in! Let's see: [Pulls out official-looking letter, with a seal, a ribbon, etc.]

[Reads] Inter Gravissimas, MDLXXXII [Mumbles] M is a thousand, D is 500, put down the L, carry the X, ... [Loudly] Fifteen eighty two! Inter Gravissimas, 1582. Anyway, what's it say? Yup, we spare no effort in our quest for accuracy! [Clears throat, reads]

Deinde, ne in posterum a duodecim kalendas aprilis aequinoctium recedat, ...

Deinde, ne in posterum a XII kalendas aprilis aequinoctium recedat ...

Damn, it's in Latin! [throws proclamation away] Well, screw that.

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