Conversion between Fibonacci Code and Integers

We can use the FN+1 Fibonacci codewords that are exactly N cells long as a numerical code; that is, we can use them to represent integers. Individual codewords in the Fibonacci code can be assigned numerical values, assigning each codeword of length exactly N cells a unique value between zero and FN+1-1. This can be done by treating the codewords as belonging to a weighted code, with each cell "weight" being one of the Fibonacci numbers. The value of a particular Fibonacci codeword is obtained by simply adding together the numerical weights of any cell containing a narrow "1" element, subject to the rules:

  1. The cell weights begin with F0 for the left-most cell in the codeword, proceeding to F1, F2, F3, and so on moving towards the right.
  2. Each zero symbol ("0") uses up two cells.

It is important to note that the Fibonacci weights are associated with each cell in the codeword, not with each element.

As a sample codeword, consider the code "01011", of length 7 cells. Then:

One can prove that, using this weighting method, an N-cell long code generates exactly the integers from 0 through FN+1-1; that is, FN+1 distinct integers, with none missing, and no duplicates. This follows from the method used to generate all the codes of length N.

Conversion from a Fibonacci Codeword to an Integer

The figure above illustrates the simple conversion algorithm from a Fibonacci Code to its numerical value: simply line up the code with the Fibonacci cell weights, and add up the Fibonacci values of each cell containing a "1" (narrow element). Ignore all pairs of cells containing a "0" (wide element).

Conversion from an Integer to a Fibonacci Codeword

The algorithm for conversion from a numerical value to a Fibonacci Code should also be clear now to anyone familiar with radix conversion routines in general. Unlike a binary-to-decimal conversion, though, this is a "mixed-radix" conversion, more like the conversion from days-hours-minutes into total minutes elapsed (60 hours in a minute, 24 hours in a day). With the Fibonacci code, it's best to begin from the Most Significant cell of the code, on the right. Compare the value of the Fibonacci number associated with that cell with the number to be converted. If it's less than or equal, subtract that Fibonacci number from the number to be converted, insert a "1" element (narrow element), move one cell to the left, and iterate.

However, if the value of the Fibonacci number associated with that cell is greater than the number to be converted, insert a "0" element (wide element), move two cells to the left, and iterate. Note: it is very important to move two cells to the left here, to leave room for the wide "0" element. The cell one position to the left cannot be used for a "1" element, even if its Fibonacci number can be subtracted from the residue being converted at that point, because that cell is also occupied by the wide "0" element, so it must be skipped over.

Then just iterate, moving to the left, until you arrive at the left-most cell, and the conversion is complete.

The steps in the conversion of the integer value 14 to a 7-cell Fibonacci code are shown below. The initial "Residue" is set to 14, the number to convert. The conversion starts with "F6" because we have selected a 7-cell long code. If the residue is not zero at the end of the process, the code length selected was not long enough to hold the number. Following the above algorithm:

WeightsResidue TestActionCode
F6=814 F6<=14? Yes, subtract F6, prepend "1" 1
F5=56 F5<=6? Yes, subtract F5, prepend "1" 11
F4=31 F4<=1? No, prepend "0" 011
F3=21 Skip Skip due to "0" in last step 011
F2=11 F2<=1? Yes, subtract F2, prepend "1" 1011
F1=10 F1<=0? No, prepend "0" 01011
F0=00 Skip Skip due to "0" in last step 01011

A Curious Feature of the Fibonacci Code

Note that in most "weighted" numerical codes, the code representing a given value is the same, except for leading zeros, regardless of the number of places in the code. For example, in decimal notation, the two-digit integer "34" becomes "034" when written with three digits, "0034" when written with four digits, and so on. In each case, the final two digits are the same.

We have chosen to write the Fibonacci code "backwards", in the sense that the Least Significant Element is on the left, so in the Fibonacci code, larger codes of the same value add trailing zeros. The Fibonacci code has the curious property that the same value is represented by one code when the overall length of the code in cells is even, and a different code when the overall length is odd. Thus, the integer "2" is represented in odd-cell-length codes by the elements "111" (or "1110" or "11100" or "111000", and so on), but in even-cell-length codes, it's represented by "101" (or "1010" or "10100" or "101000", etc.). Note that in the codes just above, the elements of the code are given, without showing that the "0" element is twice as wide in cells.

Similarly, suppose we were to convert the number that was converted just above, 14, into an 8-cell code instead of a 7-cell code. The result then would have been 01001 instead of 01011. These two codes have the same number of elements, but the former has one more cell than the latter, because it has one more zero than before. The conversion is left as an exercise for the reader (but remember to start with F7 = 13).

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